The Halo Saga has been one of the most popular online shooter games of all time, and with the release of Halo: Reach this fall, Bungie is looking to add another elite online shooter game to the pot. What can we expect from Halo: Reach? We can expect new weapons, more diverse game play, improved graphics, better sound effects and new to the Halo dynasty , assassinations. Assassinations are new to halo and will give the player an alternative route, instead of going in with guns blazing. Their will be a couple of new weapons such as the needle rifle and the DMR sniper rifle. The new needle rifle is a mid range headshot weapon, it will combine the mechanics of the needler with deadly accuracy. Unlike the needler, only three individual hits will cause a super-combine explosion, instead of a full clip. The new DMR sniper rifle is somewhere between the original sniper rifle and the battle riffle. It’s a long distance weapon, but with a quick finger and good aim it can pack a punch at mid and short distances. “The DMR is definitely my favorite new weapon right now, when you nail a headshot, its super satisfying.” Comments Marcus Lehto . Unlike the first three Halo games Master Chief will not be the main character, and instead of taking on hordes of covenant, you will be apart of a six-person squad. With more Spartans on the field creating bigger battle scenes. “With the new LOD (level of detail) system allows us to build and populate much larger spaces for exploration” creative director Marcus Lehto explains. Halo: Reach is really focusing on graphics and making game play seem real. According to GameInformer the weapon sound effects are more explosive, detailed and realistic. I’m really excited to see what Bungie has in store for us this time!
Even though most of Bungie’s time was devoted to the incredible looking campaign mode, but it’s clear that Bungie has big plans for multiplayer. Their will be Halo 3 parity but there are some new features that will remain under wraps. Players can expect at least four – player coop online, save film features, 16 player competitive matches, two – player coop split-screen and all the other classic games that have come mandatory with the Halo saga. Armor abilities also will play into the online experience, since the new armor is more durable and better equipped for battle.